What Is a Signed Buyers Agreement

When it comes to buying a property, there are a lot of legal documents involved. One such document is a signed buyers agreement. This agreement is a legal contract between the buyer and the real estate agent or broker representing them. In this article, we will explore what a signed buyers agreement is and why it`s important.

What is a Signed Buyers Agreement?

A signed buyers agreement is a legal contract between a buyer and their agent or broker. The agreement outlines the terms of the relationship between the two parties, including things like the scope of the agent`s duties, the length of the agreement, and the commission rate the agent will receive.

The agreement is typically signed at the start of the home buying process, and it lays out the terms that will govern the entire relationship between the buyer and their real estate agent. It`s important to note that the agreement is not a legally binding contract to purchase a property. Instead, it is an agreement that outlines the terms of the agent`s representation of the buyer.

What is Included in a Signed Buyers Agreement?

A signed buyers agreement typically includes several key pieces of information. The agreement will typically outline the duties of the real estate agent or broker, including the types of properties they will help the buyer search for, and their obligations to the buyer in terms of providing information and advice throughout the buying process.

The agreement will also outline the terms of the agreement, including the length of time the agreement will be in effect and any limitations on the agent`s representation of the buyer.

Additionally, the agreement will detail the commission rate the agent will receive when the buyer purchases a property. This rate is typically a percentage of the final purchase price of the property. The agreement will also outline any other fees or expenses related to the agent`s representation of the buyer.

Why is a Signed Buyers Agreement Important?

A signed buyers agreement is important for several reasons. Firstly, it outlines the terms of the relationship between a buyer and their real estate agent or broker. This can help to clarify expectations and avoid misunderstandings throughout the home buying process.

Additionally, the agreement ensures that the agent is compensated for their services. The commission rate outlined in the agreement is typically only paid if the buyer purchases a property, which means that the agent is motivated to help the buyer find a property that meets their needs and fits within their budget.

Finally, a signed buyers agreement provides legal protection for both the buyer and the agent. It outlines the terms of the agreement in a clear and concise manner, which can help to avoid disputes or legal complications down the road.


A signed buyers agreement is an important legal document that outlines the terms of the relationship between a buyer and their real estate agent or broker. It includes details about the agent`s duties, the length of the agreement, and the commission rate the agent will receive. Signing a buyers agreement can help to clarify expectations, ensure that the agent is compensated for their services, and provide legal protection for both the buyer and the agent.

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